50 in "Home of the Brave"

Filming has began in Morrocco on Irwin Winkler's Iraqi war drama "Home of the Brave," starring Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Biel, Christina Ricci and 50 Cent. 50 is quoted saying:
"My character is 22 years old. The film is showing the effects of war. That's what's exciting to me about it, because it is totally relevant to what's going on right now. It shows not just what happens to a person after killing, but what happens when there is a lot of death around you. How your spirit changes. I am not supportive of the war, but I am definitely supportive of the soldiers. A lot of people go to Iraq while they were just trying to get a college education."
50 cent looks really hot here, can't wait to see it in 2007.....source.
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