Duke University rape victim threatened.

According to an Essence magazine's reporter who visited her family, the Duke University rape victim and her family are being threatened and had flyers saying "We will kill you" strewn all over their front yard. The victim a 27 year old divorced mother of 2, was hired on March 13 by Duke University's Lacross team as an exotic dancer for a party and claims to have been gang raped and sodomized in a bathroom by 3 white males. On April 17, 20 year old Reade Seligmann, and 19 year old Collin Finnerty were formally indicted in the case, the charges were first-degree sexual offense, first-degree forcible rape and first-degree kidnapping.
The victim is very afraid and is living in an undisclosed location and barely speaks to anyone because she's scared and has even considered dropping the case, but she calls occasionaly to briefly say they're ok. Her family feels she needs professional help because she alone with her kids and screams at the site of white men. Read more at Essence.com.....
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